Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why is it I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat all day, but at night I can't get to sleep?

It doesn't seem to matter whether I fight the urge to sleep during the day or not, I am just SO unable to get to sleep at bed time. Even when I do go to sleep I can't stay asleep!
I don't stay in bed sleeping late.
I am active through the day.
Yes, I have got plenty of things to worry about, but I'm not exactly "thinking" about them all night.
I'm a 49 year old female.
I have many health problems and am on a whole host of medicine.
I've tried malatonin, but it only "works" sometimes.
Look at your picture. You are a feline. You are nocturnal.Sleep during the day. Stay awake at night. Problem solved.
You may have insomnia. You should check your meds for side effects like insomnia or loss of sleep. If you can't find anything about it ask your doctor about it.
narcolepsy. plenty of info on the web. can be the result of obstructive sleep apnea, a condition where you have periods of not breathing at night. these episodes result in constant awakenings, so that you are tired all day.
when are you taking your medications? if you primarily take them during the day-they could be making you drowsy and unable to stay awake or struggle with it. once the medication wears off, then your body becomes more alertif you are taking them at nite and they have common side effects of causing insomnia, they could be keeping you awake or causing you to have broken to your dr about your medications and best routine for taking them (if you haven't already done so)otherwise, sometimes people's sleep patterns abruptly change. you could be over sensitive to stress eventhough it doesn't seem like it and this could be effecting your with your dr about ways to curb this or about possibly taking medication to help you sleep at nitegood luck to you

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