Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why do you vomit in your sleep?

a couple of days ago i was sleeping normal and i suddenly vomited on my bed but i didnt feel sick before i vomited has this happened to anyone if so what is it and how can i prevent it?
I have never vomited in my sleep (oops, except that one New Year's Eve when I was eighteen.never again will I play drinking games with shots of Goldschlager). If this is the only time it's happened to you, I wouldn't worry. If it happens more than that, see a doctor. If you vomit while asleep you could breathe it in and choke.
thats deadly to your health, i would suggest that you check with your doctor to check over.better be safe than sorry.
Sounds to me like some really bad reflux. Try over the counter medications like Pepcid, Tagamet, or Prilosec.
Don't eat for at least 2 hours before you go to bed.
Try to elevate your head of bed...if all this doesn't work, (even if it does) you should see a physician about it.
ahh your probably fine..
this happend to me once because i gagged from swolloing spit or something...its probably just a gag relfex.

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