Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why does my tendon hurt?

There is a tendon in my right knee that hurts everytime I move it. I am in Cross Country, so I run a lot. For some reason though, I do not feel it hurt while I am running. Only after. It is the tendon in the back of the knee. If you bend the knee at a 90 degree angle, you can feel it. It is on the left side of the right knee. Why does it hurt like this, and how do I make it stop? It is not severe pain, just annoying pain, and I have had it for about two days. Today feels worse.
You might have tendonitis. Tendonitis (also spelled tendinitis) is an inflammation of a tendon. Generally tendonitis is referred to by the body part involved, such as Achilles tendonitis (inflammation of the Achilles tendon), or patellar tendonitis (jumper's knee; inflammation of the patellar tendon). Chronic overuse of tendons leads to microscopic tears within the collagen matrix, which gradually weakens the tissue. Tendons and ligaments are very slow to heal if injured, and rarely regain their original strength. Partial tears heal by the rapid production of disorganized type-III collagen, which is weaker than normal tendon. Vitamin E may speed up the regeneration of tendons through action on fibroblasts.
its posible you have a strained knee i do it hurts worse at night ice hot works ben gay is ok ice packs first ok if youre hip is out of place will cause knee pain and lower back pain hope i could helph you

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