Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why have i got such a ry mouth?

r there any reasons?
If you don't take any medications, you need to:Increase your water intake, 6-8 glasses of pure water /day.If you smoke or chew tobacco, quitting will reduce your dry mouth symptoms.Breathe through your nose, not your mouth. Add moisture to the air at night with a room humidifier.
What is a ry mouth? Is this welsh?
well im not sure ive never heard of a ry mouthbutif you mean a dry mouth.. maybe its because you need some fluids in your system... you are probably thirsty or dehydrated... drink some water
you need a drink?
Type any medications you may be on into the internet and see if it is a side effect of the meds. If not..time to start getting at least 8 glasses of water a day.
Sounds like your stoned ,you're certainly confused enough.

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