Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why does it hurt?

i started having pain in the right side of lower abdomen. kind of where my bladder is. and now its on both sides. i know its not anything to do with my bladder because it doesnt hurt when i pee. anyways i need help to find out what it is.
Sorry but you'll have to see a doctor. We can't xray you on line or test your blood to see if you have an infection. It could be appendicitis or pelvic inflammatory disease(if you're a female).
Sounds like gas pain, cause it moved, gas pain can hurt like hell. If it was just the right side I'd worry about appendicitis, but since it is now on both, and probably same pain, you might be constipated ,need more H20, to get things moving
are you male or female? If you are female it could be your ovaries (some women experience pain during ovulation).
Even though you don't experience pain upon urination does not mean that you don't have a bladder infection. Infection can still be present without urethral pain.
What kind of pain is it? sharp/dull/comes and goes/constantly there?
The bladder is directly below the navel and not on the right side. The reason I know that is because I just had a sonar test run on mine to detect if it empties completely after going to the bathroom. I could see the image on the computer screen as the technician was scanning.On the right side would be the appendix, the gall bladder, the liver which is right up underneath the rib cage and protected by same.Fatty foods sometimes trigger gall bladder pain.Appendix pain means it could possibly be infected and that requires surgery. Otherwise it could burst and you'd be in one heck of a fix. Mine was removed in 1965.

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