Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why do you get a stomach ache when you recieve a sharp blow to the genitals?

BECAUSE IT REALLY REALLY HURTS!The pain isnt really in your stomach, but your mind prefers to think it's there because the shock of actually having your testicles in danger would be too traumatic, it's like a mental self preservation instinct.
During development the testis are located around the pelvic area, then descended into your scrotum through a channel called gubernaculum which still exist till you die. It was originated from the same structure so normally it also has the same innervation. So when you're kicked in the testicles, your groin is also hurt. It's also possible for your testis to go upward and it's fatal.
PS: remember friends last episodes when Chandler said his testicles are going upward when he heard Janice laughs? LOL ^^.
because your genitals touch the roof!!

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