Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why empty stomach before surgery?

i am going for a simple surgery which involves draining water trapped behind my ear drum. However the doctor kept on telling that i MUST not drink/eat the midnight before surgery. why is it so important and what if i did eat and drink before the surgery?
You have gotten alot of almost correct answers but I'm here to give you the scoop.
Not only can the anesthesia that is given can cause you to get nauseated,so can the pain,so can the antibiotics they administer for healing processes but anxiety can too.
Sometimes just as you are wheeled into the OR they will give you an antiacid so to neutrelize your stomach acids that now sit on an empty stomach.
Even if the above mentioned things do not make you nauseated and throw up,the fact that they often times put a breathing tube down your throat to provide anesthesia gases and oxygen while you are asleep,when they remove that tube it causes one's gag reflex to kick in and that can cause vomiting.
To vomit and to aspirate fluids or food from the night before can not only cause you to get pneumonia,it can also cause burns in your lungs from caustic stomach acid.
Caustic acid burns in your lungs is horribly painful and hard to treat and can leave scars in your lungs.
Given this information you need to listen to the instructions that your Dr has given you and DO NOT eat or drink anything after the prescribed cut off period.(This time period given to you will allow your stomach time to empty itself.)
Because sometime when they put you to sleep it can be dangerous for you if you eat. Call and ask your doctor for specifics on this but thats is the general reason why..I know it has something to do you puking and chocking on it. But yeah.. good luck on your surgery!
Because different people have different reactions to the anasteshia (probably spelled wrong). They don't want you throwing up while your under, you could suffocate or choke to death.
They do not want you vomiting up acid and food and having it go to your lungs which will cause pneumonia.This is a serious concern for someone going under surgery so take it seriously.
Good luck
Any kind of anesthetic they give you can make you nauseous. Plus, if they have to give you certain medications during the procedure, these may need to be given on a fasting stomach. So don't eat.
So you don't throw up on the operating table, or need to go the bathroom immediately thereafter.
You shouldnt eat or drink before surgery so you do not become sick while under the drugs that they use to knock you out for surgery. If you start puking while in surgery it can cause pnumonia or even death if you were to aspirate your vomit.
Anesthesia makes a lot of people nauseous or vomit. Any time you are put under anesthesia, doctors give the same instructions, but I would guess that this would be amplified even more if they are working on your ears. In addition to choking, if your stomach is not empty, you could aspirate your food and contract pneumonia. This is how a lot of Alzheimer's patients die, after they can no longer eat properly = (
For your safety.
When u are under anesthesia your body movements are not under your control . So u can take in your windpipe whatever is in your stomach. So guess it better be empty to avoid choking.
There is normally a 6 hour fast so that nothing is in your stomach by 6hrs.Happens with everyone who's gonna be under general anesthesia.
Best of luck !

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