Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why does my ankle hurt? What should I do?

I am a 13 year old runner,dancer,skier,soccer player and just really active. I have moderate flat feet and are painful. So my podiatrist gave me custom arch supports. Yes, I do notice a difference, but they don't take all the pain away in just my right foot/ankle/knee. Lately I have been having trouble with my knee but that's a different story. After about 1 hour of wearing my arch supports in 200 dollar shoes my ankle starts to hurt. It gets progressively worse as I keep going. It hurts on the outside right on the round bone. What should I do and what could it be? Thanks!
To be honest I do not think that you should be asking people on the Internet I think that you should definetly go see your doctor. This has happened to me before and it turned out to be Severs and Osgoodslotters disease. (That's mispelled) I was on crutches for about 3 weeks. Trust me see a doctor.
I'd recommend going back to your podiatrist to get the RIGHT arch support adjusted so it fits better. Very very rarely does one arch support hurt more than the other so go get it adjusted by him. Your knee pain is likely do to other things and not the orthotic itself and that's something you may need to get checked out by your orthopedist. Hope this helps!
Your knee pain is related to your flat feet. Would you like to correct them?
If the areas you describe are painful and swollen, you need to stop the pain and inflammation caused by your activities.Consider Cold Compression Therapy Wraps to be worn after every activity. They are cool.You can see them at tennis players use them for their elbows, knees, and ankles.Good luck.

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