Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why does my knee hurt?

Why does my knee hurt?
yesterday i did not do much. i went for a walk and played on computer. when night came around i started gettin pains in my knee. it hurts even today to put wieght on knee. yesterday knee had bump and swollen today jusy swollen. any ideas for this mystery? i am 22 so not growin pains. it is a mystery.
There's a reason why they invented emergency rooms.Maybe that's it, you hit it off a wall or something like that.or maybe its your knee cap, most regular knee pain comes from that S.O.B
sounds like a mystery..but really it sounds like you bumped it or received an insect bite, since there is a noticeable bump.
it's because you bumped it =see Dr to check it out
cuz u didn't watch where u were going and triped and fell
It hurts because it is inflamed. The inflammation should go away within a day or so. In the meantime, RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) should help. If it doesn't, then you should go in.
You could easily have walked too long or stepped off something wrong and twisted it an not even noticed it at first.I'd go to your doctor and make sure you didn't injure yourself to the point you need to be off your knee, else make it worse.
probably just cancer.

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