Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why is there no FDA approved hydrocodone as a single agent (w/o APAP, guaifenesin, etc.)?

Some of the combinations enhance one another to work to the desired potential.
But mostly I think it is because a straight opiate is very,dangerous and addictive and without mixing it would be easily extracted and used for the wrong reasons.
Many drugs where taken off of the market in the late 80's early 90's for that reason.
Because people tend to abuse it since it's a weak narcotic/opioid. Think about it, if u combine it, u won't be able to extract it unless u have sophisticated laboratory methods. and sometimes they add atropine so even if u take too much of it, u'll feel terribly ill and won't ever do it again. smart.
These other drugs are called poteniators. If you have pain the acetaminophen increases the effectiveness of they hydro for pain. In the case of guaifenesin it would be to help with mucus and cough.

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