I am 18 years old and my entire right arm including my fingers has been tingling and going numb for the past 16 days. Some people say it could be a pinched nerve. But I really don't know. If it is a pinched nerve, what are some cures for it? Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong and what I should do about it? Thanks!
Yes, it's definately something to do with a pinched nerve or a damaged nerve. It should pass on it's own. If it continues or seems to get worse, see your doctor. Your doctor can give you medicine for nerve pain called Neurontin.
Sounds like Carpel Tunnel and/or a pinched nerve.
hey i have an idea..get off the computer and ask someone who really knows.umm...let me think...umm.maybe a DOCTOR??!!
soak it in warm water then switch to cold every 20 mins or any thing cold and warm but water works best for me
it could be poor circulation of blood in your arm. i don't know how to check if bloodflow is normal, but you could ask a doctor.
You need to go get it checked from your doctor.lol
According to Webmd you should get it looked at, and rest the area if it's a pinched nerve. Your Dr. might give you steroids to help it heal. It could also be tendonitis (I've got that and my fingers keep going numb), but the treatment is the same.
It could be a pinched nerve but it usually dosen't last that long. It sounds like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to me.
Go to this website for more information:
http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/carpa...Hope you feel better %26 Good Luck!
could be a pulled muscle or a strain
i had something like that my wrist was hurting really bad and my fingers and forearm would become numb and tingling i went to the doctors they told me i have tendinitis you can also get it in your elbow so i would suggest that you get it checked out.I hope this was helpful to you
Sounds more like a problem with your neck. Don't walk, RUN to the ER. Traction may help if the damage isn't disc related. Please, do not wait any longer. You don't want to have permanent damage done to those nerves.
Somebody mentioned Neurontin. This is a very powerful medication. I've taken it. I started to forget everything, then I started to stutter. I now take Lyrica which is similar. I have several Spinal injuries from a car accident. I don't think you need either of them.
Best advice...see a doctor.From my experience...
My main nerve runs directly on top of my elbow and I'm constantly pinching it when I'm bending or straightening my arm too long. Nothing you can do about it really.
Hello Alexa.You must have hurt your back in some way.The sensations you are having, usually occur when you hurt your lower back. It can also be associated with a condition called Tennis Elbow.This comes from repetitive use of your elbow. It might be a pinched nerve.Actually the nerve doesn't get pinched, but the vertabra in your lower back get sliped or put out. Your first visit shoild be to your doctor. The doctor may advise either Physiotherapy or Chiropracter.The other thing you should do is rest. But for an 18year old that might be hard.Don't let this sort of pain go on for 16 days in future. Backs can get very bad, especially in older life. Good Luck!
It could be one of several things, I've been there and done that. Does it happen when you over eat, gas can cause pressure on your heart which can cause pain or numbness in your arm. Almost like a heart attack, not always in the left arm sometimes it happens in the right arm and hand. Even at your age I would have my heart checked.
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