Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why is it so unhealthy to swallow your own phlegm?

I remember reading something years ago which said that the chinese are totally against it...mature answers only please
It's not particularly unhealthy. Your digestive juices will destroy most bacteria.
I didn't know it was... I've always done it, never seems to bring harm to me!
it's not recommended but sometimes i do - better in the stomach than in the lungs I say.
Don't swallow that phlegm if you want to get rid of it. Phlegm functions as a sticky film, filled with infection fighting substances like glycoproteins and immunoglobulins, which attaches itself to the lining of your bronchial tubes and lungs. Generally speaking, when phlegm starts to get coughed up, it means that the substance has served its purpose and needs to be expelled. Spit that phlegm into a tissue rather than trying to swallow it, because swallowing often times reintroduces the phlegm back into your pulmonary (lung) system.
Hope this helps, i am guilty as charged but not from now on lolJust to add i was answering the chinese belief and why they advise not to swallow phlegm, i quickly looked it up to answer the question :o)
I always thought it was better to swallow it than to spit it out and spread germs. The stomach acids will take care of any germs.
coz its slimy.
I don't understand Maria's point, because once it's in the digestive tract, how can it find its way back into the lungs ? There's only one way out of the digestive tract that I know of.I use a hanky if I can, but often it's not practical so swallowing is the only way. The people who really disgust me are those who spit in the street - now that IS wrong.
It is? that aint good.
Was told as a child to always 'cough it up!'. A doc told me recently, it makes no difference to your health whether you spit or swallow (if you pardon the expression!) All swallowing does is possibly make you a little queasy. I know another swallowing activity that does the same! (sorry. I couldn't help myself)
its not unhealthy, any germs in the phlegm are killed by the acid in your stomache, and there's no way it can get back into your lungs. the problem with spitting is that any plegm that is caused by TB can infect people around as it is an airborne disease, so please, no spiiting in public places. the best way to get rid is to swallow or cough into a tissue and dispose of it properly
I always shallow unless I'm in the bathroom where I can flush it down the toilet or swirl it down a sink. Unless you have a chest infection or there is blood in it I do not think thee is any particular reason you cannot swallow
Phlegm may be a carrier of larvae of intestinal parasites (see hookworm). Bloody sputum can be a symptom of serious disease (such as tuberculosis), but can also be a relatively benign symptom of a minor disease (such as bronchitis). In the latter case, the sputum is normally lightly streaked with blood. Coughing up any significant quantity of blood is always a serious medical condition, and any person who experiences this should seek medical attention.

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