Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why is it that corn starch is a miracle on diaper rashes? What makes it so work so well?

Mixed with a rash cream or vaseline.. what makes it work so well... what IS corn starch?
Corn startch is just that startch from the corn. It works so well because it absorbs the moisture. Thay now make creams that have it already in it.
diaper rash is caused by moisture constantly on the skin. It happens with sweat too. Cornstarch pulls that wetness away and stores it in its self keeping you dry and UN chapped. If your baby has diaper rash another thing that would help is if after you change them leave the diaper off for about 20 Min's or so do that often the open air helps nappy rashes too!. good luck with that
Corn starch and flour are the same type of thing. Flour is derived from wheat and corn starch is derived...you guessed it..from corn. The reason it works so well is because it absorbs moisture like a sponge. Just like if you take oxygen from a fire it will go out...if you will remove the moisture from a rash they will go away. There is no miracle ingredient in corn starch just a simple physical reaction. I've heard of athletes using it around the groin area to avoid irritation that occurs from perspiring down there during sporting event.

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