Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why is my wound always wet?

I fell down 4 days ago and got a bad wound.I clean it everyday with hydrogen peroxide and betadine.during the day, i put a bandage but when I take it out in the afternoon, the bandage is wet and my wound has stayed wet since I got it. What else do I need to do?
sounds like its trying to form a scab, and you keep suffacating it.
has to get air to scab
see a doctor, that could be serious
try a triple antibotic cream this works great
sounds like infected/get it looked at
Uncover it and let it air dry. If it's infected you may need to see a dr.
let it get air
By keeping a bandage on it, you're keeping the moisture in and not allowing it to get air to scab over. It'll heal whether it's moist or dry, but if you're going to put a bandage on it, put some Neosporin or triple antibiotic cream on it so it doesn't get infected.
Do not use peroxide on it as that is way to harsh to use on open skin. Wash the wound with mild soap and water daily and apply and antibiotic ointment like neopsorin. Do not use betadine either. Leave it open to air as much as possible and when you do put a bandaid on it leave it loose so air can get at it.
You might try neosporine after cleaning it with the peroxide.
Have you let it air out some? You might try leaving the
bandage off while you are just sitting down for a while
and then replace it when you have to be up and moving
around. Or go see you doctor if it seems to be worse
then when you first treated it.
The wound needs to breathe, my grandma always said that plasters are the making of the devil, which i thought was a bit over the top
Wet is good, that is albumin in the blood keeping the wound covered and will make a scab, nature does that, if you hit your arm you get a bump from fluid rushing to it, you get a burn, fluid goes from all over your body to it, the swelling when you twist an ankle...same thing, just keep it clean.
Every time you have a wound and cover it, it will be damp. You need to keep the bandage off of it as much as possible to allow it to dry out and heal. It will heal much faster that way.
You are have gotten a lot of good answers here, that is for sure. If it were me, I would put an antibiotic of some sort like Neosporin (?spelling) on it with bandage that it put on very loose during the day if there is any chance of it getting dirty. Leave it under covered during the night. It really does need to get some air. If it starts getting red around the edges of the wound, that (most of the time) means it has infection in it.
it sounds like it is draining. just leave the bandage off and let the air do its job. the air will cause a scab to form.

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