Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why is slouching bad? I slouch all the time, and I don't have a backache.?

its not actually that bad, people used to say all the time that it was, but actually sittin up strait all the time is whats bad, you shouldnt always slouch but it certianly isnt as bad as people once made it out to be
It increases the chance of back pains in the future. Have you noticed how old people sort of have a curved back? That's mostly from slouching and not sitting up straight.
This is because of the anatomy of the spine. The spine is broken down into 4 regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and saccral. There is also the coccyx at the end, but that does not matter in this case. The cervical and lumbar regions of the spine are shaped so that they are concave towards the back, and the thoracic and saccral are concave towards the front. The main effect of slouching is putting the lumbar region in an anterior concave position, which is not natural. While slouching might feel good some times, exessively it can lead to back pain in the future.
It may not cause you problems at the present time, but have you seen little old ladies who cannot look up due to their hunchback. (This is called kyphosis.) This all starts with poor posture and weak muscles. To prevent this you need to start strengthening exercises and using proper posture to help you avoid future back pain and problems. Speak with your doctor about which exercises to do to help you strengthen your back muscles and give you better posture.
The world is full of people with terrible posture and no pain - good for them. Here is the problem:All that abnormal posture means is that there is abnormal stress on some tissue somewhere in the body. Under normal conditions, your body may have no trouble dealing with this extra stress, and so there is no pain.Where life starts to suck is when you have a mishap (slip-and-fall, car wreck, whatever) and that tissue gets injured. Now you have a tissue that is trying to heal, and the extra stress makes that impossible. It's like you have a cut across your knuckle, and you just keep bending your finger over and over again - the thing never heals. So, improving your posture is like insurance against future injury.Also, people who slouch can have problems with breathing, digestion, circulation, muscle function - just about any system of the body can be impacted.So, stop slouching! =o)

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