Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why weight lifting is not good during wound healing?

You may do more damage
Be really careful with that because the heavy lifting could put a major strain on sutures. If you have had the sutures out and the wound is very pink, do not push your luck. The tissue is still subject to pushing out of the incision so just do mild exercise until the keloid (scar) is healed over and very secure. Follow-up visits and heed the doc's orders. I did that on my ankle and blew some suture which that had to redo and it left quite an ugly scar which took a long time to go away.
Hope this helps.
If your wound is significant, the healing process will use up the extra calories you would normally burn working out, plus more besides. So working out will steal the calories you need to heal. I had a huge wound on my **** once, and the first few weeks I was eating 5000 calories a day, not exercising at all, and not gaining any weight.Also, depending on where the wound is, it might be irritated by vigorous activity, which would negate some or all of that day's progress toward healing.Plus, you heal best when your metabolism is at rest. Vigorous exercise funnels energy in to the "fight or flight" mode (aerobic metabolism), instead of towards healing. Lots of rest puts your body into healing mode...Hope that helps, no go back to bed and rest some more! :-)
Ed, RN
Because you are causing stress on the surgical/laceration site that will break open the wound again. In addition, the muscles and tendons, etc, are all being pulled away or against the site, again putting pressure on the wound. Do NOT do any weightlifting at all during healing. Be careful!
1: It will strecth the wound site and cause it to rupture/ bleed.
2: Muscle is composed of mainly protein. If you lift weights the protein will be going to help nourish and build new muscle. Wound healing also involves the utilisation of protein so it may impair this healing. Having said this, you probably won't notice any difference except if you are low on protein in the first place or you have a large or deep wound.

Why there is unbearable pain in my knees since a couple of days? What should I take for a permanent cure?

I am having a desk job which requires 8 hours sitting..
If it was only one knee I would think that you injured it in some way. If it is both knees, relax a day or two, prop them up whenever possible. If it is still a problem in two days, see a dr.
get your uric acid checked, chewing garlic might help, also juice of carrot+beet root taken on regular basic will keep you pain free. an hours walk daily will help keep your body's flexibility.
Unless you've just finished climbing Mt. Everest, I'd say it could be related to the change in seasons! Now, for a really good remedy; you could try a product available at the health food shop ~ Calmax: wonderful for such problems and is simply calcium, magnesium and vitamin C; but the good thing about it is the fast effeteness of the assistance because it is absorbed quickly as it is made into a drink.
Other possible remedies could include an adjustment for your back - in the event that you have any situation there that could be effecting your legs/knees. Also a good idea when you are having a 'sit down' job involving many hours, is to frequently do 'chair' exercises that get your circulation moving. Check out 'chair aerobics'.
Good luck.
there is a book 'smart moves' by john tight...u should go through the book..it has exercises for people like you..try and keep gettin your knees massaged and try moving your knee.if possible then go for walks!!..my mom had the same problem and exercise has kept her going..try it urself..good luck!
Hi, Try exercising to strengthen your knees like a stable bike and ride it for at least 30 minutes. Take walks in the evening and get the blood in those legs and knees pumping. If after doing this and there is no improvement you may have arthritis in both knees. You need to see a doctor and take things from there. I hurt my right knee many years ago and i had 3 surgery on my knee. They removed my knee cap in my second surgery and my third and last surgery they removed very thing. I had a total knee replacement and it took me a whole year to get my knee to bend as far as i can today. Yes i had arthritis in both knees and very very painful and i had bone on bone rubbing together. That was the most powerful pain i have ever had. After the total knee replacement the arthritis in my right knee was completely removed but i still have it in my left knee.So please see your doctor and get something done,don't be like me and wait.
If you are above forty , their are chances of of uneven weight distribution causing pain in knee foot and ankle the situation aggravates with diabetes and arthritis. Get a foot print done to check the shoes. for free consultation contact orthecofoot@yahoo.co.in
If we offered you a miracle remedy that prevents and cures "Arthritis/Joint Pains" would you buy it? Certainly you would. You won鈥檛 find it in a Pharmacy but at the Grocery Store.Try the Natural Cures for Arthritis/Joint Pains.The word 鈥榓rthritis鈥?means 鈥榠nflammation of joints鈥? It comes from two Greek words, athron meaning joints and its meaning inflammation. It is a chronic disease process. In the early stages, the whole body is usually involved and one or two joints may become completely deformed, leaving the patient handicapped and somewhat weakened.Arthritis assumes various forms, the most frequent being osteroarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Inflammation is the main feature of arthritis, which is a reaction of the joint tissues to some form of damage or injury.Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious disease which affects not only the joints of the fingers, writs, hips, knees, and feet but also the muscles, tendons and other tissues of the body. The disease is due to an inflammatory process of the synovium or lining of the joints accompanied by swelling and eventual deformity.Rheumatoid arthritis is often called the " cooked food disease." It usually develops gradually over several months with persistent pain and stiffness in one or more joints. Ultimately the whole body is affected. Symptoms include anaemia, colitis, constipation, gallbladder disturbances, low blood pressure, and deformed hands and feet. The condition may be caused by hormonal imbalance, physical and emotional stress, infection, severe fright, shock and injury. Hereditary factors may also be responsible for the onset of this disease.Treatment: The diet of the arthritis patient should be planned along alkaline lines and should include fruits and vegetables for protection and proteins and carbohydrates for energy. It may consist of a couple of fresh raw vegetables in the form of a salad and at least two cooked vegetables. Cabbage, carrot, celery, cucumber, endive, lettuce, onion, radishes, tomatoes, and watercress may be used for a raw salad. The cooked vegetables may include asparagus, beets, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, celery, brinjal, mushroom, onions, peas, beans, spinach, tomatoes, squash and turnips.In severe cases, it will be advisable to put the patient on raw vegetables juice therapy for about a week. Green juice, extracted from any green leafy vegetable, mixed with carrot, celery, and red beet juice, is specific for arthritis. The alkaline action of raw juices dissolves the accumulation of deposits around the joints and in other tissues. Fresh pineapple is also valuable as the enzyme in fresh pineapple juice, bromelain reduces swelling, and inflammation in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Repeated juice fasts are recommended at intervals of every two months. The raw potato juice therapy is considered one of the most successful biological treatment for rheumatic and arthritic conditions. It has been used in folk medicine for centuries. The old method of preparing potato juice was to cut the potato into thin slices, without peeling the skin, and place them overnight in a large glass filled with cold water. The water should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. Fresh juice can also be extracted from potatoes and drunk diluted with water on 50:50 basis, first thing in the morning.Black gingerly seeds, soaked overnight in water, have been found to be effective in preventing frequent joint pains. The water in which the seeds are soaked should also be taken along with the seeds the first thing in the morning. Drinking water kept overnight in a copper container also serves the same purpose. This water has traces of copper which helps strengthen the muscular system. For the same reason wearing a copper ring or bracelet will also help. Warm coconut oil or mustard oil, mixed with camphor, should be massaged in case of stiff and aching joints. It will increase blood supply and reduce inflammation and stiffness on account of gentle warmth produced while massaging. Camphorrated oil is an ancient rubefacient used for the purpose.The time has also been used as a home remedy for arthritis since long. The citric acid found in lime is solvent of the uric acid which is the primary cause of arthritis. Other remedies found useful in relieving pains in the joints include green-gram soup mixed with crushed garlic cloves and a teaspoonful of powdered fenugreek seeds in warm water taken everyday. Sea bathing is considered beneficial in the treatment of arthritis. The natural iodine in the seawater is said to relieve arthritis pain. As is well known, iodine regulates the acid-alkaline balance in the blood and tissues, helps to repair and regenerate worn out tissues, and nourishes the skeletal structure. It enters into the thyroid gland鈥檚 secretion. The hormone uses this iodine to nullify germs in the bloodstream and to create a self- cleansing of internal toxemia.If sea bathing is not possible, the patient should relax for 30 minutes every night in a tub of warm water in which a cupful of sea salt has been mixed. The minerals in the sea salt, especially iodine, can be absorbed through the skin pores. This will help correct an internal imbalance. The body should be kept warm at all times. Joints should not be bandaged tightly as this limits movement and interferes with the free circulation of blood. There should be plenty of indirect ventilation in the bedroom. Rest is of greatest importance to arthritis, who should not overdo their work, exercise or recreation activities.Constipation should be avoided as it poisons the system and adds to the irritation and inflammation of the joints. Light exercises such as walking, hiking and swimming are beneficial. Maintaining a normal body weight is also an important factor in preventing arthritis. Obesity places excess stress on weight-bearing joints and interferes with the smooth functioning of tendons, ligaments, and muscles.The patient should be given a lukewarm enema for a few days to cleanse the bowels. Neutral immersion baths, hot foot baths, ultrasonic diathermy and exposure of the affected parts to infra-red rays, a knee pack applied for an hour every night, stream baths, and a massage once a week are beneficial in the treatment of arthritis. All general cold-water treatments, such as cold baths and cold sprays, should be avoided.The yogic asanas helpful in curing arthritis are trikonasana, bhujangasana, shalabhasana, naukasana, vakrasana and shavasana. Arthritis patients should practice these asanas regularly. Yogic kriyas like jalneti and kapalbhati and pranayamas such as anulomaviloma, ujjai and bhrameri are also beneficial.Hope this helps, Good Luck.

Why so much pain?

About midmarch i was having muscle spasms in my lower back--I could hardly walk for about 2 weeks. After muscle relaxers and lots of stretching, my back improved; however, it seemed like every other muscle in my body started hurting. I'm so miserable at night when I try to go to sleep because my neck and shoulders hurt so badly. My thighs, knees, and even the back of one of my knees hurts. I can hardly move to adjust myself in my bed because of the pain. I've also learned I have golfer's elbow in my right elbow. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas for the pain relief? Has anyone ever suffered from this? Possible causes and solutions? Please help!
Obviously you need an MD to check it out. Sounds like an invasion of arthritis----I would guess your in your 60s from the sound of the pain in many areas. If severe enough you will be referred to a Neurologist who may choose to prescribe prednisone (especially if your blood tests so indicate (sed rate high etc.) He may also suggest as a starter either tylenol or ibuprofen----As the instructions indicate DO NOT exceed the rec. dosage---Even one time exceeding can cause liver damage. With pain all over, I would make an appt. soon.
If you check your symptoms on www.webmd.com it will give u info about the condition and the possible treatment.
How old is your mattress? Get a mattress that is firm.

Why should I wear sunglasses? What exactly is to be gained from it?

I hardly ever wear sunglasses and my eyesight seems fine. Does it really matter if you wear them or not?
Hope this link helps. For all information about sunglasses you can check out http://useinfo-sunglasses.blogspot.com/... .
They protect your eyes from damaging UV rays, especially if you wear polarized lenses. Sunglasses also keep you from squinting due to glare, which reduces muscle tension in your head and keeps you from getting tension headaches.
Other than helping you delay "squint line" type wrinkles, I'm not really sure. There may be some advantage to blocking harsh UV rays from your eyes.
The safari guides do not wear sunglasses because their eyesight would be impacted if they lost their glasses. I wear transition lenses, which when darkened, take the place of sunglasses. Just don't stare at the sun, with or without sunglasses.
Unless you are doing specific work that requires eye protection like weilding, then you technicaly dont NEED to wear sunglasses.Although alot of doctors will recomend that you wear glasses, they arent a nessesity in all situations.
There are a few reasons behind wearing sunglasses.
two of which i can think of offhand.One is that they lower the amount of light comming into your eye. which helps in the long run because an extended amount of UV radiation on your eyes can damage your retinas over time which can lower your ability to see in general.The second reason covers polarized lenses, which take the glare off objects with reflective surfaces, which can be an anoyance to deal with, and also helps with the first reason since a glare multiplies the UV radiation on your eyes, sort of like a magnifying glass.Even so, they are not a real requirment, so if you dont care to wear them either because they are too cumbersom and uncomfortable, or you just dont like the look. then there is no need to.
I always think they look super cool.
Good to protect your eyes from UV rays but you also need sunlight through your eyes and skin for basic good health
Well, overexposure to UV rays increases your chances for developing certain types of cataracts.

Why should I stop burning myself?

My boyfriend just found out about how I burn myself and said that its bad and I should stop. I don't see why since I am not leaving any scars or nothing. I don't only do it when I am hurting but just plain bored, its not like I'm trying to fix myself when doing it. He is threatening to leave me if I don't stop because he says I am hurting him when I do it and I don't wont him to leave me, but its not like I can just stop either. Can anyone help?
Your bf is concerned with your self-injurious behavior likely because he is aware that this sort of thing has addictive qualities. In fact, it can escalate to the point where it is quite literally out of control.I really encourage you to ask your bf to help you find a qualfied therapist who can assist you in finding other ways to manage bordem.Best of luck,
Because it's stupid as hell.
See someone at the Mental Health Clinic before things go bad for ya. You may not think you need help, but you do. It sounds like your boy friend thinks enough about you that he's concerned which I understand. He has every right to be concerned.
i mean burning yourself constantly is stupid. anyways, i think that u should stop bcos after getting a burn, blisters form. it dos not only hurt but getting a lot of them is bad. Who knows maybe u might burn your whole body oneday. If ur bored, get something else to do like answer on ByeDr.com. and i think that ur bf is gud because he cares about u.
seek help
You actually sit there and burn yourself?? I know there are cutters out there and I dont understand that either, but if your going to hurt yourself would'nt cutting be less painful?? And you say you are'nt scaring yourself when you burn yourself, how is that??I just pray for all the cutters and I will pray for you. I do'nt quit understand this desease, ( and I do believe that it is a desease)But I'm sure that it's an awlful one. I hope you get the help you need for yours. God Bless!!
Honey, you must have something very wrong going on in your life, It can't be boredom..People who do this kind of stuff are hurting themselves to releave some kind of pain in their life.
Listen to your BF and get some kind of help, Talk to your parents too. If you don't think there is something wrong with what your doing, then there is no reason to hide it from the people who love you
why would you do it simply because you are hurting? Thats a bad excuse. You have mental issues that can be very serious. You need to talk to someone. I think you know that because anyone knows that purpously hurting , cutting or burning ones self is just plain not right. thats not going to make any of your issues go away. face your issues head on if you need help... get it. Talk to an Adult asap your BF is correct. he needs to tell on you he he really cares he should tell on you. if he does you should thank him.
You need to visit your doctor at the very least, put a mental health provider would be a better choice. This is concerning behavior, and your boyfriend wants to support you and help you. There is apparently an underlining issue of why you are hurting yourself, and having some therapy could be very helpful.

Why r bruises black and blue?

I am a total klutz i always have bruises but i have always wondered why they turn black and blue. wat r bruises exactly
Bruises is an area where the tissue underneath is injured. If you injure it hard enough, it causes the muscle, the tiny blood vessels to break and leak blood which builds up in the skin causing the "black and blue" color which eventually fades away with time.
Bruises are caused when tiny capillaries beneath the skin are broken from an injury. The discoloration you see is from the blood leaking into the surrounding tissue. The color changes occur as the blood is broken down into its basic elements.
bruises are areas of pooled blood under the skin.
I believe they are black and blue because they are no longer oxygenated, they have no oxygen in the blood to make them red. Bruises are damaged or ruptured capillaries in your skin and muscle and the blood leaks into the skin.

Why isn't my husband feeling better after his Spinal Fusion?

He's still in a lot of pain and says that he has buring that goes down both legs. He says he's worse now than he was before the surgery. Will he ever get better? Will the pain ever go away?!
He needs to call his doc and let the DOCTOR know he is having problems. His doctor is NOT A MIND READER and has no clue at all that he is having problems. Get your husbands doc that did the surgery on the phone and update him on his condition.
Sorry to tell you but many spinal fusion just don't work but give it more time - good luck - and as soon as permitted he should walk walk walk.
Question, with the fusion ,did he also have rods implanted?Time will improve the situation.If you would like to contact me and talk, feel free.
Just to say this up front I am speaking from experience. I had what sounds like pretty close to the same surgery on Sept 29 of 2007. Had fusion with cages at L3L4,,L4L5,,and L5S1. I got 5 cages out of the deal,and continuous pain that is worse then the pain that caused the doc to do the surgery. I know everyone's experiences are different but of all the people that I know (and there are several 9 that I can think of right off hand) that have had back surgery are either not better or are worse then before. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news but this is just me experience. I do truly hope your hubby does get to feeling better. And the burning he is having down his legs when I had it I asked the doc and he said it was normal because of the nerves being inflamed. I hope I have helped. If you would like to discus this more feel free to contact me the details are in my profile. Good luck and God bless.
I had two herniated Disc on L4 and L5 and had back surgery 10 years ago. I had a Cage inserted and did wonderful with it but I have heard alot of people who had the same surgery say the same thing your husband says and have had to have repeat Surgerys. The Burning Sensation sounds like Inflammation. Is he in Physical Therapy? he needs something for the Inflammation and Pain to be able to get up and work that back each day to keep Arthritis from setting in.

Why isn't my body healing itself?

It seems lately that if I get a cut or a bruise it's not healing quickly. It used to take 1-2 weeks - Now it takes 6+ weeks and I've had a lot of infections set in, especially on my hands, fingers, toes %26 lips. Should I be really worried about this?Someone told me that I might be deficient in a certain vitamin but they couldn't remember what it was.
Sounds like a friend of mine with diabetes. You should see a doctor and ask about getting a blood test.
i don't think it has anything to do with a vitamin i think that you immune system is down...you shoudl go and see a doctor and have him run some tests. that could be a serious condition.
You could be diabetic, that can slow the healing process.
Maybe deficient in lymphocites, stuff in blood that heals up scabs and cuts. Although if you have "scraped" or picked at that certain place and kept getting it "hurt" then it's probably scarred and won't go away for a long time..
there is a lack of something in ur body or its jus that u r not eating enough protein cuz protein is what makes you grow and repairs your body. meat is a good source of protein ( beans if u r a vegetarian ) also eat a lot of fruit to prevent infection.
There are a number of things that it could be but a doctor would have to specify what it is. Obviously there is something very wrong with your blood or circulation and especially if your are getting alot of infections I believe that this is a serious condition. Make an appointment with your doctor and meanwhile keep all of your cuts and scrapes clean. I hope this helps you. Good luck.
My first thought is "why" are you getting so many infections?Is your immune system run down? Do you take care of yourself,eat right,get plenty of rest,take vitamins etc...? Because if you don't and you are adding any kind of toxin to your body(be it in alcohol,or medication(prescription or not)this can factor in,as well as age(older people don't heal as quickly)Allot of times people who have to take prescription meds and are on a great deal of them,will have this problem.I would make an appointment with your doctor or clinic and discuss my concerns with them.
Yes I think that you should be worried about this as it may be an indication of an auto-immune system disorder. There are times when some thing like that can indicate something more serious, but that can only be determined by your doctor.
Good luck will keep you in my thoughts
Diabetes, HIV, take your pick. Sched an appointment with Dr. and in the meantime take Vitamin B supplements.Its actually Vitamin B complexHealth benefits
The B vitamins often work together to deliver a number of health benefits to the body. B vitamins have been shown to:Support and increase the rate of metabolism
Maintain healthy skin and muscle tone
Enhance immune and nervous system function
Promote cell growth and division 鈥?including that of the red blood cells that help prevent anemia.
Together, they also help combat the symptoms and causes of stress, depression, and cardiovascular disease.All B vitamins are water soluble, and are dispersed throughout the body. They must be replenished daily, since any excess is excreted in the urine.[citation needed]
Vitamin C: for speedier healing of bruises and wounds and boosting the immune system to help combat viruses and fight any infections that might have set in. Also why not take a good quality multivitamin containing zinc (and copper) and take one whenever you are feeling run down. Zinc along with vitamin C helps spped wound healing and helps combat viruses including the common cold. The herb Echinacea is a great herb for boosting the immune system if you have a tendency towards infections. Hope this helps. Best wishes.
I would suggest a hemogram with leukocyte and plate counts, to see how your immune system is doing. And also have your insulin levels checked, perhaps your becoming a diabetic. Anyhow the only way to know is running blood work.

Why isnt it OK to be attracted to badonk a donk butts?

because society says skinny girls with tiny butts are attractive? I don't know. I don't think the size of someone's butt determines the kind of person that person may be, even if stereotypes tell you different.
(I thought I would give a serious answer to a hysterical question!)
I think it's ok.
According to Toby Keith badonkadonk butts are what makes the world go 'round. I'm married to an African-American and he loves badonkadonk butt.

Why isnt a small cup of water enough to quench?

a thirst,afterall its the throat area that feels dry and tickly
why isnt a cup enough "to whet your whistlel"as they used to say ? but when i drink water i keep on guzzling it down till my stomach has had enough,and not a minute before otherwise im still dry/thirsty!But once i have had my full quota of water then my thirst is quenched at the throat and stomach ,and im refreshed once again.
I think it's like food, it takes a while for you brain to receive the signals that you've had enough
we are supposed to drink 8 glasses a day so go figure from that standpoint.
Water is absolutely essential to live. Humans are about 2/3s water. You can go without food for much longer than you can go without water so thirst is a very strong biological need. Just a few important functions of water are it delivers oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body, removes toxins and waste from the body, and regulates body temperature through perspiration. You're body cannot store extra water for later use like it can food. Extra calories (energy) are converted to fat and stored until the energy is needed. But extra water passes through our body.In short, I would guess that it's the strong biological need and the body's inability to store water for later use that cause you to drink so much water, not a little cut. After all, it's not your throat that tells you you're satisfied - it's your brain. And you're brain knows the importance of H2O!

Why is today going so slow??

How come when I was at work yesterday, the day went really quick but today? My GOD! I feel like time is going backwards. How is your day going so far?
My day just started and I'm on Answers and everything else but work already! lol
Very slowly too! Yesterday was quicker for me too, but I had more work to do yesterday.
Roll on Friday.
I'm on holidays at the moment so every day is going really quickly maybe being on the internet is doing that though!
Find a distraction, like maybe doing some work you've been putting off for ages, that should speed things up
um sucky...i have final exams for the next 3 days...so yeah. dont say your day is going slow!
I know how you feel! I feel like the day is dragging by so slowly! Feels like i've been in work forever! Yesterday was much quicker!
Dont look at the clock. Go to the loo, go and drink some water, offer work colleagues a round of coffee and tea. Ask your boss for an extra project or you could tidy your desk/work area, clean the PC? Ring a friend. Maybe offer to help work colleague?
waaaaaaaay to slow im bord and bein bord since like 6:00 @m 鈾?
Probably because yesterday(Monday) you had a backlog of work to catch up so the day flew by, Today (Tuesday) you have cleared the decks scratching round for something to do so time seems to drag . Sorry but you are either working too hard or your workload should be more evenly distributed, after all time itself cannot be altered
gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... and baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... how about you
Maybe you need to do sumtin fun. Coz if u're bored trust me the day will seem alot slower.
i know how you feel
this day has gone so fast :(all the days go so fast
and i cant beleive its the summer again!
which doesnt mean pleasure
o no thats for the extremly young and people over 28!
no means exam timesthe luxury of sitting in a giant hall
28 seats in a row and about 15 rows! well i ended up in N28 which was a bugger!but the joy of failing
yer you say exams arent everything
but hy if i fail im pretty much fucked
and im not prepared to end up a failure like majority of this country who spodge of the goverment...but yer the days been sunny so shouldnt complain much..
It happens because you either have no work to do or you in a rush to get home.I feel like this almost everyday. Can't be helped.
started off shi. then i got myself in the garden done the grass ,,edges ,,, and put my precious flowers in the garden iz looking better than the kitchen at the moment but tomorrow i be kim and aggie . sparkly clean my dear,,,, oh aggie smell this phew ee.. all in a days work .....and earning big bucks ,,,,,,

Why is this happening?

i get dizzy and really bad migraines all the time. not like bad dizzy, just not right dizzy.
p.s. im not pregnant.
Amneia.you may have sleep apnea. Go see a doctor.
Hypogylcemia, Anemia, Head Trauma, etc. Check with a doctor.

Why is there no FDA approved hydrocodone as a single agent (w/o APAP, guaifenesin, etc.)?

Some of the combinations enhance one another to work to the desired potential.
But mostly I think it is because a straight opiate is very,dangerous and addictive and without mixing it would be easily extracted and used for the wrong reasons.
Many drugs where taken off of the market in the late 80's early 90's for that reason.
Because people tend to abuse it since it's a weak narcotic/opioid. Think about it, if u combine it, u won't be able to extract it unless u have sophisticated laboratory methods. and sometimes they add atropine so even if u take too much of it, u'll feel terribly ill and won't ever do it again. smart.
These other drugs are called poteniators. If you have pain the acetaminophen increases the effectiveness of they hydro for pain. In the case of guaifenesin it would be to help with mucus and cough.

Why is the health care industry apathetic towards patients?

Health insurance companies refuse to insure patients with preexisting conditions, health care professionals are rude, fees are through the roof, and the few health care providers who treat w/o insurance, do so in a mediocre fashion. I'm almost ashamed to be pursuing a career in medicine.
Its not a good thing to generalize because few things in life are really the way they seem. I'm a professional health care worker who isn't rude, and I'm responding to your question because of the last sentence you wrote. If you think the health care system is bad now, then just you wait until you become a physician and see what its REALLY like! First of all, a health insurance company is not a patient's friend. They are a business, and like any other business their goal is to make a profit. Taking on a patient with an existing condition thats expensive to treat is simply poor business judgment from a profitability perspective. It may be unethical, but its not illegal. Still, in many cases, the insurance companies do things that I believe are immoral and disgusting. They couldn't care any less about any patient, and they always try to rationalize their actions by claiming that they need to keep costs down. In fact, the entire US health care industry is now strictly business, and the quality of care you receive in most cases depends entirely on your ability to pay for it. If you're uninsured or don't have money then you'll find yourself being quickly hustled in and out of the system---if you're fortunate enough to receive any care at all. Why are costs so high? Well, for that answer you have to look to the service providers. The astronomical fees paid to physicians is one factor. But even so, many docs really aren't making that much money anymore, at least, not compared to what they used to make say back in the 1980s. The insurance companies and the Medicaid programs have gotten tough with reimbursement, and they are cutting back on everything. So where is the money going? Trust me, its all a game. Admitting physicians team up with specialist friends who are often in the group practice, and they keep referring the patient back and forth. So, by the time the patient leaves the hospital, he/she would have been seen by a whole bunch of doctors, received a whole bunch of expensive diagnostics--- and then the insurance company is socked with a $50,000 bill for a two day hospital stay (which is a very cheap bill nowadays by the way).Then again, its hard to criticize physician fees in the US because professional liability insurance for physicians is outrageously high----in some cases costing more that what the physicians themselves earn each year! This cost factor is being driven up in part by the countless lawsuits that are filed against doctors and nurses annually. Many physicians can't afford liability insurance anymore so they give up private practice and either team up with a group, or they go to work for an HMO. You also have to look at the greedy Administrators who run the hospitals. Their salaries and perks run from the mid to high six figures, and in some private hospital groups, the salaries are even into 7 figures. These guys drive expensive cars and live in very nice homes (which the hospitals pay for), and they do nothing but attend meetings all day long, where they make up new policies and procedures to make work more difficult for the nurses and physicians who are actually doing patient care. Do the 'suits' care? Of course not! All they really care about is that fat paycheck that's coming their way twice a month.If health care professionals seem rude, its probably frustration with the system that causes it. Nurses are severely overworked and vastly underpaid for what they do, and most people don't even know what nurses do. They mistakenly believe that nurses are there to provide them with 'service' as if they are guests in a hotel. The level of rudeness and unreasonableness that I see almost every day from patients and their families made me laugh when I read your comment that health care workers are rude. The hospitals are also giving each nurse too many patients to take care of at the same time and this is VERY dangerous. The nurses also take a lot of verbal and physical abuse from physicians, but that's a whole other topic.Since you are planning on entering this field as a physician, you should educate yourself not only about the theories and practice of medicine but also about the reality of practicing medicine in today's world. Its not as glamorous as it seems, and its nothing like those silly shows on TV (Grey's Anatomy, House, etc.). You're going to have to work your butt off to earn your paycheck. And you're going to have to learn how to juggle the corporate 'politics' that you'll have to deal with every day on the job. And every single thing you do on any given day has the potential to turn into a lawsuit. Its all about following other people's rules---regardless of how you may feel about those rules. And, if you don't play the way they want you to play you will not make any money and you will definitely NOT survive as a professional in this field. Always keep that in mind.
I have a preexisting condition and I was insured. At least tell the truth...
Then don't it. No one is making you do it. I most certainly don't think that all health care providers are rude - some are very kind and good to their patients. Many doctors are self-righeous and pompous, but not always to their patients, but to other staff. There is little regulation with health insurance and although doctors, hospitals, etc charge a lot, they're not getting reimbursed a lot so they charge more to make up the difference of the loss. And frankly who would want to treat the indigent for free? Although it would be nice to be charitable, supplies and help only go so far. Doctors and nurses can volunteer time in clinics, but then they have to get the equipment and supplies all donated and there's not always enough of that to go around for as many people are uninsured. The only way it would ever get better is with fixed pricing for services rendered across the board across the nation and with a standardized, nationalized healthcare the way Canada, England, the Netherlands and many other countries have it. This way everyone would be covered.
I worked in health care for 16 years and called it quits. The problem with health care all falls lack of care. Look at our nursing homes for instant..Yes there are caring aids and nurses, but yet the times have changed.people use to care anout people now its a job for the money , the lack of compassion for people has declined its turned only into making a check. God forbid if I was unable to take care of myself , i'd rather kick off off then to have someone tell me I have to pee my pant s because there isnt enough help or because they dont care. Our society is sad.
All of this exists because health care is a BUSINESS. We'd like to think otherwise, but it's all about numbers. Health care is a business... as a business they can't afford to give care away for free. Think of it this way, if a grocery store gives away food to people without money then those of us who pay for our food have to pay more to make up for those who don't. Either that or the grocery store goes bankrupt and closes. To continue the analogy... should the people getting free food get to choose what they want? Can they choose junk food or should they have to take only healthy foods? Can they have as much as they want or is there a limit? I don't know where some people think this "free" health care comes from... if my insurance company pays every bill without question and just keeps shucking out the money, they will either have to go out of business (gee, thanks) or increase MY costs (yeah, like THAT'S better). BTW, not all health care professionals are rude. If you're pursuing a career in medicine, you'd know that. Unless you plan on being rude??Stacie
all i have to say is follow your heart!
Well hopefully you can make a change in the system. But it's always going to be that way, insurance companies procrastinate on paying hospital bills to the point that the hospital is taking the patients to court over, over-due bills,and now the city fire-dept charge for ambulance service's. backboards,oxygen,neck-collars etc. I had a friend who accidentally fell asleep in his car in his garage after a night on the town and yes it was running when they found him the next morning after about 5 or 6 hours of running car in a closed garage you are medically dead by all measures, not only did the fire dept. send a bill for oxygen,backboard,etc. so did the hospital for the same thing. Go figure!
After reading some of the answers posted here, I feel compelled to answer in defense of health care providers. I am an RN, and my husband is an MD. We both put in a lot of hours at the hospital because there is a great need for help. I'm not in it for just the check. I'm in it to advocate and educate my patients and their families. I do work with a lot of rude professionals, but I there are some really great docs, nurses, and cnas. I went into nursing to help my patients. And frankly speaking, I could sit home instead doing my sometimes 50+ work week. There are some people there just for the check, as in every other profession. But there are still some of us who really do care. And we are needed. And we do make a difference.

Why is soap rubbed over bee sting ?

hey i want hepl im my holiday homework..pls help!
The following info explains how soap is used in treating a bee sting:Bee sting treatment
How to treat a bee sting, for people that are not allergic to stings.

No matter where you are, there is a chance that you can run into a bee and accidentally get stung. While only 4% of the population is allergic to bee stings, which can be fatal, they can still be painful to the remainder. Please remember also, just because you have never had an allergic reaction before, doesn’t mean that you won’t this time! Also, if you have a small child that has never been stung before, keep a close eye on them and if need be, call an ambulance. This article is basically for treating bee stings for people without allergies!

First let me tell you a little about what a bee’s stinger is. It is a small barbed stinger, that has a venom sack attached that can continue to pump venom into your system for 20 minutes after you have been stung. It can also release a hormone into the air that will make other bees in the area more aggressive and apt to sting also. So it is imperative to remove the stinger as quickly as possible.
First you must find the stinger, look for a raised red welt on the skin of the victim. Now look very carefully for a small black dot in the center of the welt, it will look rather like a very tiny splinter. If the victim has been stung more than once, continue checking all of the welts until you find the stinger, or stingers.
After you have quickly located the stinger, pull it out as quickly as possible use either tweezers, or a stiff, flat object, such as a credit card, and pull or scrape out the stinger. This is imperative to get the stinger to quit pumping venom into your system.
If you are just a by-stander here, be sure to ask the stinging victim if they have allergic reactions to bee stings. If so, find out if they have a bee sting or anaphylaxis kit. Generally people that are allergic to bee stings carry one of these kits fairly close by. If a kit is available, follow the instructions which will be displayed on the kit. If no kit is available, immediately call an ambulance. It is better to call an ambulance instead of trying to get the victim to the hospital yourself, unless of course you are within minutes of a hospital. The paramedics on the ambulance will be able to give medication to the victim immediately.
If the victim does not know if they are allergic to bee stings watch for headaches, muscle cramps, difficulty breathing or swallowing, sweating, nausea, fever, drowsiness or unconsciousness. Again if any of these symptoms occur, call the ambulance.
If the victim has no allergies or signs of any allergy, it is now time to treat the sting and make it less painful. You will first want to wash the area gently with soap and water, if available. If you are not near soap and water, see if someone has a first aid kit. If so you can use an alcohol swab to sterilize the sting area.
You now will want to add cold compresses to the area to reduce the swelling. Either a washcloth run under cold water, or a baggie full of ice will work for a compress. I also like to elevate the area slightly if possible. My daughter has a tendency to play outside with no shoes, and has been stung several times this summer on the bottom of her foot. I will have her lay on the couch and elevate her foot with several pillows and apply a compress of a baggie full of ice, wrapped in a towel or wash cloth.
I also recommend giving the victim a pain reliever, and I also keep Benedryl on hand. There are also some home remedies that will help take the “sting” out of the sting. Such as, making a paste of baking soda and water, then apply this to the welt. I have heard of people using toothpaste, meat tenderizers and raw onion slices on the sting.
Whatever home remedy you prefer, just remember to get the stinger out quickly, check for allergies, and then treat the sting.
Because soap is basic and bee stings and acidic. The soap therefore neutralises a bee sting.

Why is slouching bad? I slouch all the time, and I don't have a backache.?

its not actually that bad, people used to say all the time that it was, but actually sittin up strait all the time is whats bad, you shouldnt always slouch but it certianly isnt as bad as people once made it out to be
It increases the chance of back pains in the future. Have you noticed how old people sort of have a curved back? That's mostly from slouching and not sitting up straight.
This is because of the anatomy of the spine. The spine is broken down into 4 regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and saccral. There is also the coccyx at the end, but that does not matter in this case. The cervical and lumbar regions of the spine are shaped so that they are concave towards the back, and the thoracic and saccral are concave towards the front. The main effect of slouching is putting the lumbar region in an anterior concave position, which is not natural. While slouching might feel good some times, exessively it can lead to back pain in the future.
It may not cause you problems at the present time, but have you seen little old ladies who cannot look up due to their hunchback. (This is called kyphosis.) This all starts with poor posture and weak muscles. To prevent this you need to start strengthening exercises and using proper posture to help you avoid future back pain and problems. Speak with your doctor about which exercises to do to help you strengthen your back muscles and give you better posture.
The world is full of people with terrible posture and no pain - good for them. Here is the problem:All that abnormal posture means is that there is abnormal stress on some tissue somewhere in the body. Under normal conditions, your body may have no trouble dealing with this extra stress, and so there is no pain.Where life starts to suck is when you have a mishap (slip-and-fall, car wreck, whatever) and that tissue gets injured. Now you have a tissue that is trying to heal, and the extra stress makes that impossible. It's like you have a cut across your knuckle, and you just keep bending your finger over and over again - the thing never heals. So, improving your posture is like insurance against future injury.Also, people who slouch can have problems with breathing, digestion, circulation, muscle function - just about any system of the body can be impacted.So, stop slouching! =o)

Why is she bruising so badly all of the sudden.?

It seems over the last few months my friend has started bruising very easily. She won't see a doctor. She used to be able to bang around and never bruise unless it was a bad hit. BUt now resting something on her arm wrong bruises her. Her cat just attacked her and all the scratches have come up bruised like she has been stabbed rather than just a scratch etc. Any ideas why??
It could be alot of things, but for anything, she needs to go to a doctor. It could be anything from anemia to AIDS or lymphoma. She needs to go ASAP.
eating disorder OR self mutalation
is she on blood thinner...because when your blood is thin then it gets that way...but have her check in with a doctor
get your friend to a doctor no matter what!! Bruising easily is a sign of possible cancer so get her to a doctor ASAP !
anemia get some iron in her
Sounds like she's anemic and needs iron.
What she really needs to do is see a Dr.
Her blood is too thin.
This could indicate a very serious blood related problem. Your friend needs to see a doctor as soon as possible.Heavy bruising is a precusor to heavy bleeding and if she was to sustain a minor injury it is quite possible that she could bleed enough to cause major health issue.Convince her to see a doctor. Don't try to help her diagnose the problem... just help her understand that the problem she is having could be life threatening.Good luck.
It could be something serious (an illness like leukemia or even heroin use)...make her go to the doctor, even if you have to take her yourself.
Could be that she needs Vitamins, rest and iron supplements! Happens sometimes to me if I haven't been getting enough rest or eaten enough iron rich foods...she may be anemic. Too much vit. E can thin the blood too.
can be sigh of blood problems or liver failing.
Is she on an anti depressant? Some of these can cause this to happen.Your friend should see a doctor as soon as possible - this is NOT something she should ignore, and it needs to be investigated further.

Why is my wound always wet?

I fell down 4 days ago and got a bad wound.I clean it everyday with hydrogen peroxide and betadine.during the day, i put a bandage but when I take it out in the afternoon, the bandage is wet and my wound has stayed wet since I got it. What else do I need to do?
sounds like its trying to form a scab, and you keep suffacating it.
has to get air to scab
see a doctor, that could be serious
try a triple antibotic cream this works great
sounds like infected/get it looked at
Uncover it and let it air dry. If it's infected you may need to see a dr.
let it get air
By keeping a bandage on it, you're keeping the moisture in and not allowing it to get air to scab over. It'll heal whether it's moist or dry, but if you're going to put a bandage on it, put some Neosporin or triple antibiotic cream on it so it doesn't get infected.
Do not use peroxide on it as that is way to harsh to use on open skin. Wash the wound with mild soap and water daily and apply and antibiotic ointment like neopsorin. Do not use betadine either. Leave it open to air as much as possible and when you do put a bandaid on it leave it loose so air can get at it.
You might try neosporine after cleaning it with the peroxide.
Have you let it air out some? You might try leaving the
bandage off while you are just sitting down for a while
and then replace it when you have to be up and moving
around. Or go see you doctor if it seems to be worse
then when you first treated it.
The wound needs to breathe, my grandma always said that plasters are the making of the devil, which i thought was a bit over the top
Wet is good, that is albumin in the blood keeping the wound covered and will make a scab, nature does that, if you hit your arm you get a bump from fluid rushing to it, you get a burn, fluid goes from all over your body to it, the swelling when you twist an ankle...same thing, just keep it clean.
Every time you have a wound and cover it, it will be damp. You need to keep the bandage off of it as much as possible to allow it to dry out and heal. It will heal much faster that way.
You are have gotten a lot of good answers here, that is for sure. If it were me, I would put an antibiotic of some sort like Neosporin (?spelling) on it with bandage that it put on very loose during the day if there is any chance of it getting dirty. Leave it under covered during the night. It really does need to get some air. If it starts getting red around the edges of the wound, that (most of the time) means it has infection in it.
it sounds like it is draining. just leave the bandage off and let the air do its job. the air will cause a scab to form.

Why is my tongue all white and body hurt?

i do not have a sore throat but it feels like my tongue and neck are swollen and i have patches of white on the roof of my mouth and my body hurts really bad espically in my mid lower back and abdomenen
The symptoms you describe are most commonly found as withdrawal effects from narcotics.
Everyone has that on thier tounge but you probably have a cold for the throat part and if you excersise and dont stretch youll be sore
Could be Enemia lack of iron in the blood? Go see a doctor.
It sounds to me like you have Mononucleosis.
you might have strep. get checked out by a doctor ASAP.
Sounds like a fungus infection.
Call your doctor and he will give you a fungicide to clear it right up. Probably a yeast infection if your abdomen and lower back hurt also.
Because you are sick. Stop wasting time here and go see a doctor before you die.

Why is my skin rough over my body. My face clear of pimples but I still see blackheads bumps on legs and arms?

I got blackheads, pimples and bumps all over my skin. Especially on my arms and legs. My skin just is not smooth. what is causing this
Are you sure they are blackheads and pimples? Could be ingrown hairs. These leave little bumps on the skin. Try using a loofah in the bath or shower to exfoliate your skin regularly. There are also products on the market that help exfoliate your skin.
it could be some kind of disease, are you feeling fine ?
Cleanse your face with unboiled milk, gently rub a coarse cloth dipped in milk to remove the blackheads. Steam your face with herbs like lavender, lemon peel and mint leaves added to the water and let the skin soak up its goodness. Check out http://useinfo-blackhead.blogspot.com/... for more useful tips to control blackheads.

Why is my left hand numb? It's been numb for a week?

My pinky finger and ring finger are basically completely numb.
You have ulnar nerve damage. You can get that from leaning your elbows on your desk. I would go to a doctor and get it checked out.
Have you considered taking your rings off if any are on.
It could be a brain tumor on the right side of your head or a mini-stroke.
Really, go see a doctor.

Why is my hip joint hurting?

Sometimes my hip joints would hurt, but it would usually be the right one more over. However, this summer my left side just has suddenly been acting up. It hurts a little when I walk or move the joint in anyway, but it breaks out into episodes of intense pain where it hurts to move at all. I've always had a little bit of hip pains, but never like this before especially for the left. I'm only 18, is it possible that I could have a serious problem? Or could it be something else?
While it could just be misalignment, it might also be something else. If you recently began exercising or increased your intensity, it's possible you have a stress fracture of the femoral neck. I'm 16 and am currently on crutches to treat my fracture, and so even though you are young, don't think that you are immune to such difficulties. It's best to see a doctor, because though we can offer some suggestions, we can't make any diagnosis.Just to let you know, so you can compare symptoms if you want, I had pain in what I thought was my hip flexor for a few weeks that was intense and caused a limp when I walked, but it was not too painful if I kept my leg completely immobile. It started to feel better after I stayed off it for a few days, but got worse again after I resumed walking and trying to run (which I couldn't really do). An X-ray will not show a stress fracture, so if your doctor can't tell you what is wrong, ask for an MRI if you can afford it, as that (or a bone scan) is the only effective method of diagnosis. Good luck, and don't hold off on the exam for too long, as continued stress can cause the fracture to become complete and make the femur displace, requiring surgery.I hope your hip heals quickly!
possibly arthritis one can have it at any age and anywhere on the body
Given the fact you are only 18, and more than likely you have not had children, you might simply be out of alignment. If you have ever been fairly athletic, specifically with certain kinds of rigorous sports, your hips and/or lower spine can easily come out of alignment, and it can cause hip pain. I danced ballet for 22 years, and on and off for many years I experience hip pain every now and then. Usually, I can stretch it out, but occasionally I make a trip to the chiropractor. A chiropractor might also be a consideration.
It could be arthritis or it could be tight IT bands...the long muscles down the sides of your outer thighs.
See your Dr. to rule out any disesae such as arthritis and see if you can get a prescription to get some physical therapy to help. In any event, it is time you should see your Dr.

Why is my hands swollen?

For the past month and a half ive been having tired spells. Some last only a few seconds, others last a couple of weeks. This past week i felt tired for 4 days, after that i ate 3 jolly ranchers, and i felt better. I noticed when i was out rototilling, both of my hands look swollen. Like where your 2 veins run down... into your knuckles. Its like right between the middle finger on the left and right. It doesnt hurt at all. Its like puffy but not a hard puffyness. Could it be i have diabetis or a thyroid problem? Im going to the doctor wedsnesday and yes im 15 years old. My mom and dad both have diabetis. So did my dads side of the family- most of them did i believe...
I have the same thing and I have been going to the doctor to get tests. They have run a thyroid test, Lupus test, and several other tests but I am still going through the Lupus thing because my thyroid is fine. At first my hands was puffy but then I started to notice other parts of my body getting swollen. Even my ring fingers grew and I could not wear a size 6, I now where a size 8-9 on my ring finger!! At first I was a size 6 then it slowly went untill a size 7 then 8 and so on. I have been dealing with this for 2 years now. Thyroid problems can cause weight gain, swelling and other problems but so can Lupus and I am tired all of the time as well. I did have anemia for low iron and I was given Repliva medication which helped a lot but I still have problems. What you have to understand about Thyroid problems is that it can be hard to detect through blood work. My friend has it and had to take 3 tests before they found it in her blood but she is doing much better now. She is no longer tired and she has lost A LOT of weight also!! If you have a thyroid problem you will have to take a pill for life but you will feel much better and like a new and different person. You need to go to the doctor because this could be a number of things including Lupus! I think I have Lupus now because I have swollen face, hands, ankles and I am tired a lot! I have other symptoms also but don't have time to go into all of them! Look up Lupus on google and compare the symptoms to see if you may have this.
you may have it to, but also might be a bug bite.
Mine look like a round ball at my wrist.
It will come and go..
I see the doctor and went for operation to remove it when it appear.
what happen is that is a bubble liquid form from the bone.
I forget the medical term of what it is called, sorry

Why is my hand sore...?

Why is your nickname Stroker Ace ? I think there might be a connection. Just kidding - did you sleep on it ?
either you jerked it 1 too many times, or you slept on it wrong
Too much time at the keyboard on YA?!

Why is my entire right arm including my fingers numb and tingling all the time?

I am 18 years old and my entire right arm including my fingers has been tingling and going numb for the past 16 days. Some people say it could be a pinched nerve. But I really don't know. If it is a pinched nerve, what are some cures for it? Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong and what I should do about it? Thanks!
Yes, it's definately something to do with a pinched nerve or a damaged nerve. It should pass on it's own. If it continues or seems to get worse, see your doctor. Your doctor can give you medicine for nerve pain called Neurontin.
Sounds like Carpel Tunnel and/or a pinched nerve.
hey i have an idea..get off the computer and ask someone who really knows.umm...let me think...umm.maybe a DOCTOR??!!
soak it in warm water then switch to cold every 20 mins or any thing cold and warm but water works best for me
it could be poor circulation of blood in your arm. i don't know how to check if bloodflow is normal, but you could ask a doctor.
You need to go get it checked from your doctor.lol
According to Webmd you should get it looked at, and rest the area if it's a pinched nerve. Your Dr. might give you steroids to help it heal. It could also be tendonitis (I've got that and my fingers keep going numb), but the treatment is the same.
It could be a pinched nerve but it usually dosen't last that long. It sounds like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome to me.
Go to this website for more information:
http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/carpa...Hope you feel better %26 Good Luck!
could be a pulled muscle or a strain
i had something like that my wrist was hurting really bad and my fingers and forearm would become numb and tingling i went to the doctors they told me i have tendinitis you can also get it in your elbow so i would suggest that you get it checked out.I hope this was helpful to you
Sounds more like a problem with your neck. Don't walk, RUN to the ER. Traction may help if the damage isn't disc related. Please, do not wait any longer. You don't want to have permanent damage done to those nerves.
Somebody mentioned Neurontin. This is a very powerful medication. I've taken it. I started to forget everything, then I started to stutter. I now take Lyrica which is similar. I have several Spinal injuries from a car accident. I don't think you need either of them.
Best advice...see a doctor.From my experience...
My main nerve runs directly on top of my elbow and I'm constantly pinching it when I'm bending or straightening my arm too long. Nothing you can do about it really.
Hello Alexa.You must have hurt your back in some way.The sensations you are having, usually occur when you hurt your lower back. It can also be associated with a condition called Tennis Elbow.This comes from repetitive use of your elbow. It might be a pinched nerve.Actually the nerve doesn't get pinched, but the vertabra in your lower back get sliped or put out. Your first visit shoild be to your doctor. The doctor may advise either Physiotherapy or Chiropracter.The other thing you should do is rest. But for an 18year old that might be hard.Don't let this sort of pain go on for 16 days in future. Backs can get very bad, especially in older life. Good Luck!
It could be one of several things, I've been there and done that. Does it happen when you over eat, gas can cause pressure on your heart which can cause pain or numbness in your arm. Almost like a heart attack, not always in the left arm sometimes it happens in the right arm and hand. Even at your age I would have my heart checked.

Why is my BP often records hypertension levels during med checks but never exceeds 140/80 during self check?

The doc often tells me that my BP is high during medical check up but when i tested my BP at home using a digital BP meter, it never exceeds 140/80. I tried my best to relax during the med checks but it does not work. I have a pre employment med check coming up soon and i am worried sick that i will fail it due to high BP. How can i overcome this?
High BP readings at the MD's office hit me also. Try having the BP taken in a supine or lying down position instead of sitting. Also, make sure that your feet are flat on the ground and your ankles are not crossed if you have to take the BP reading in the sitting position. I know it sounds funny but it helps. Also arrive at your pre employment test 20-30 minutes early and relax. Also...if your at home reading is consistently 140/80 get the calibration checked...your machine may be the one out of whack. Good luck.
Take your BP machine with you to doc and check with it right after doc does. Your BP machine may be reading low.
Maybe you were nervous or maybe you rushed when you saw your doctor.There are also variables between machines.Plus remember eating and fluid intake also affects your BP.
called white coat syndrome. just need to relaxe around the doc
It's called white coat syndrome.
It's called white-coat syndrome.
You obviously get anxious.
Trying to relax may make it worse.
Take your digital meter with you,
%26 do it yourself in the office.
If you're worried sick, you will fail.
it is called 'white coat syndrome' my mother has it you get nervous when you go to the doctor her doctor has her record her bp at home and its always normal but when he takes it its high type it in a search engine to see if you can get more info
It's true that nerves play a HUGE part in your BP. However, exercise levels, weight levels and salt intake play a role as well. I would tell you to go to your pre-check at least 1/2 hour early, when you get there sit down, pull out a COLD bottle of water and take the next few minutes to unwind. Try not to eat any extra salt within 1 day either. You might take headphones and listen to whatever music unwinds you. If your BP is high the first time they take it ask them to leave you in the room for awhile and try deep breathing and relaxing. That should help with that if it's only a little higher than normal.
maybe you are just nervous when yer dr takes yer bp? have you ever asked him to recheck it when yer appt is almost completed...when you are more relaxed?
Worried sick, anxiousness, fear, etc., these are BP raising conditions. Often, we will worry about our doctor visit for one reason or another, causing our BP to go up. We may have to wait for our turn long after the original appt. time, so a perceived lack of concern for our time and schedules(by staff) tends to be annoying or maddening-causing our BP to also rise- you are not alone. Be aware of the causes, and reduce the stressors or at least acknowledge them.
try some deep breathing. Good luck!

Why is my arm giving me pain?

My left arm is giving me pain. Not that bad, but it's unconftorble... I'm only 13! I'm skinny, and I'm 5 9 and I eat healthy. I'm only like 115... Am I growing AGAIN? What should I do? Take more of something? Eat more of something? See a doctor? Is this bad?
you may have over used your muscles And that is why you feel pain . you need to have this checked by a medical doctor. That's the only way you're going to know exactly what is wrong.
See a doctor

Why is my ankle so sore?

Last week i noticed a vein running across my ankle and it looked swollen, then a couple of days later my whole ankle has swollen and feels spongy and sore, i can walk but not properly as it is painful, it also feels numb sometimes! I think i may just have sprained it but don't remember doing anything to it!! Any ideas...it's sore!! xx Thanks xx
go to the emergency room i would screw around with veins %26 swelling
It might be sprained. It could also be a small fracture. Stay off of it, ice it 5 minutes every couple hours, compress it using an ace bandage and elevate it. I would see a doctor if possible.

Why is life so sad ?

life is only as sad as you allow it to be.if you cant find something positive in you life then you really need to dig down deep and start over.think about what makes you smile and go for it
Depends on how you look at life. Are you suffering any forms of depression?
Life is balanced.
Seek the center.
because you have to faces certain things
Ones mood can be set. and reset. You can do it yourself by reading positive books, and articles. You can read the
Bible and get an overall improved outlook by accepting love from God thru Jesus. If you exercise regularly, walking, jogging, etc. many people find a brighter outlook follows. It can be reset by suggestions thru hypnosis. May need to be reinforced from time to time. ultimately, of course, life is a one way street. But what good is to dwell on that? Get a goal, learn new things. We are on Earth only a short time. Why not try to enjoy the many experiences available to us?

Why is it when we see or hear something gross...we immediately lose our appetite? Is it simply association?

Well for ME it's because I feel nauseous. Why would I want to eat when I feel like I'm gonna puke?
i would say, yes indeed it is. Gosh, there was a time when i thought it would be a brilliant idea to videotape the kids in the nursery where i work picking and eating boogars. Then just watch the tape when i felt like eating! What a wonderfully effective dieting tool!! GROSS! sorry..
Hmm.. it actually never appeal to me. I was tryin to think how ppl can lose appetite straight away wen they hear sumtin gross, etc.. while i still can eat without worryin bout it at all. But I remember my biology teacher thought me tat in some ppl, there is a hormone in our brain tat makes some ppl actually feel it first before it happens eg. if sum1 wanna tickle u, n if u got tat hormone too much/ sumtin, then even bfr sum1 tickle u, ur gettin ticklish first. its weird uh?
but tats science result. dun tink its juz simply association. hope tat helps
I'm wondering that myself.maybe it's association, but i work in the medical profession, and I watch surgery on tv and I'm sitting there eating dinner. or it can depend on how gross it actually is.
The truth is that not everybody does lose their appetites. A lot of how we may react is related to how significant others in our lives reacted at the time of our first exposure. Interestingly,we learned these things most often before the age of six. Health Care workers, police, mortuary personnel learn to bypass an emotionally based sympathetic response with an empathetic, more detached, reaction. In other words, you were conditioned to react the way you do. The good news is that when the reaction is undesirable, you can be deconditioned.
I think it may be a learned social behavior. I too am in the medical profession but after working in the OR, doing wound care or seeing what I see every shift, it has no affect on my appetite. Go figure.

Why is it when I wake up every morning my face and hands are swollen and are so stif?

High blood pressure
You may have water retention.
you might be alergic to msg also do you eat alot of salt in the foods you eat...drink more water
Probably too much salt. I feel like that the morning after eating lots of salty popcorn at the movies.
Could be a range of different things.One is an allergy. Try getting hyperallergenic pillows and underblankets, and wash your sheets regularly.
Too much salt? Not enough water?

Why is it when I do physical exercise and get very hot, I get huge veins sticking out of my head and hands??

Is this normal?
Yes this is very normal, it's your heart pumping blood around the body quicker, the pressure of your blood is higher which makes your veins stick out, don't worry its all normal you will also get hot as the body is utilising more energy and moving quicker. As long as you don't feel ill then it's all fine.
Yes - it's normal. I get it too.
yes they are just because the blood is going though your body or something but it is normal it just means the exercise your doing is working ..x
Your increasing your heart rate and raising your blood pressure. this causes the veins to "enlarge" with the pressure.
when your body needs oxygen in your muscles it makes the heart pump faster, this increases the pressure in your blood vessels as it pushes the blood around quicker which makes your veins stand out. To make sue your blood pressure is not too high, I would go to your doctor for a physical, but don't worry this is normal
Yeah its normal, exercise increases the blood flow around your body, your muscles need the oxygen it carries to function properly. Your heart rate has to increase to pump the blood around your body quicker, this is what causes your veins to stick out and you to feel hot.
Shrek?....Where's donkey?
your blood runs faster and comes to the surface to cool down

Why is it that when you hit your head really hard, you always smell ammonia?

At least that is what I smell, and I have heard others say the same.What is the chemical reaction in the brain that causes this?
To continue on what Val said (above), when you smell ammonia, it makes your eyes water. When you smack your head really hard, the pain can do the same. It is possible that your brain (along with those of others who experience the same phenomena) has formed a connection between the "smell" detector and the "eye watering" part, so that whenever the eye-watering occurs, the neurons for the ammonia smell fire off, too. My mom used to give me Coke for an upset stomach, and to this day, whenever I sip Coca Cola, I get an upset stomach - I think it is the same kind of thing.Hope this helps.
you might be hitting a nerve that causes that.
I think that only happens to you.
the 4 concussions i have gotten in my life i didn't smell anything, or atleast didn't remember smelling anything.
hold up i'll wack myself in the head and see if it's true...lol
When people start to pass out we use capsules of ammonia to wake them up. perhaps you have had this done to you and your brain is telling you that it is a real smell. sounds like a remembrance smell and that the brain remembers it
You've hit your head HARD, enough times to come to this conclusion?!?! See a doctor!!

Why is it that when i wear my glasses, my eyesight gets worse and I have to get stronger glasses every 2 years

Is it my eyesight getting worse? Also, does using the computer worsen eyesight?
Get them lasered.My deal has a lifetime guarantee.If they can boost my vision, they will free of charge.I had serious astigmatism in one eye. Now I have none.

Why is it that sometimes I hear a crackling sound when I chew ?

Sometimes when I'm chewing/ eating I hear a crackling sound by my jaw near my right ear. It's really annoying sometimes. Is this a problem that I should look into further or is this a common thing that many people experience?
Cracking, popping, and/or grinding sounds when you're eating points to something called TMJ Disorders. These are basically a group of jaw problems that can be very mild (odd noises or slight discomfort) to severe (locked jaw, severe pain).TMJ problems are very common. They are more common in women than men. If you start to experience pain, it may be time to see a doctor. Also, to avoid injuring the joint, it's good to avoid chewing gum and eating extremely chewy or tough foods.
Because you are eating rice crispies.
That's you jaw bone .. .some joint problem I suspect. Not normal.
Don't open your mouth too wide.
Have you gone swimming recently? Ear exposure to water could sometimes result to fluid build-up in the ear (depending on our ear anatomy). Using swimmer's ear solution (sold anywhere in stores) could help this problem.
Sometimes, the fluid in the ear could result to earwax build up, that is way beyond the reach of a q-tip. (Personally, I don't like using q-tips in the ear, there's always a danger of breaking your eardrum, which is a whole other set of problems!).
An ear irrigation might do the trick. While some can do this at home, I would recommend visiting your doctor or a nearby clinic to do so. This procedure could be lengthy, and they have the right equipment to do this for you.
Plus if that crackling sound is more serious, they can refer you to the right specialists.
Hope this helps!
I do to, don't know? Guess you just do it!!

Why is it that on Thursday night I can stay up late and feel good, but on Friday night I'm sleepy by 12?

maybe if you didn't stay up so late on Thursday, you would be able to stay up on Friday
It's Friday.Where are you ;-)
friday the thirteenth
well its gone 12 and your still here
Because it is the weekend and you're not dreading work tomorrow, maybe?? (Your bodies sub-conscious)
you've lost the meaning of that Friday feeling...
Because on Thursday u know that u have 2 get up for work and Friday u don't !!!!!!11
.and if it was Thursday u would b in bed and not askin us Q'sss
coz u stayed up late on THURSDAY! lol
Don't know I'm staying all night long!!aha! all night long ,lol.x
because you finished the drugs on thursday
guess u r not a friday person
Because you stayed up late on Thursday night.

Why is it that I cannot ever sleep more than 7 hours on the weekends?

And I feel that I always need more sleep on the weekdays? I sleep on avg. 8 hours on weekdays. I wake up all sleepy everytime.
I don't know the answer to this question and believe me, I wish I did. Because I have the exact same problem. I always think that maybe I'm more tired on the weekdays just because I don't want to get up and do the things I have to do, but on the weekends its just mostly relaxed and fun so I'm not dreading anything.
You are having too hectic a time on the weekends and throwing your body clock out of whack

Why is it that i can smoke a pack a day for months and months, and then just quit out of the blue?

you dont have a addictive personality!
Maybe your body gets tierd of nicotine and you don't crave it then it wants it after a while
Obviously you are addicted because you keep going back to smoking otherwise you wouldn't be asking the question. The hot thing to do is quit and never start again. Remember what you inhale today will affect how well or if you can breathe in the future !

Why is it that every time I bend my thumb it clicks?

This never happened before. Now it just makes a werid sometimes loud clicking/snap noise almost every time I bend it. I'm not old to be having this problem.
there are gas bubbles in there that are popping and releasing gas at supersonic speed. Pretty cool huh?My friend got that condition from playing video games nonstop. Maybe you play too much nintendo?It will go away soon. Even if it doesn't it won't cause any medical problems.
Either you text messaged too much, or you played a crapload of video games.

Why is it that ear buds hurt my right ear and not my left one?

I have about three sets of ear buds and they all hurt my right ear I don't have any of the original types of head phones except for one pair and they don't work.
Yep, happens to a lot of people.Lots of possible causes - could be:
%26gt; different size ear canals or skin thickness
%26gt; jaw / bite problems make one side more sensitive
%26gt; some would say yin / yang imbalance causes different sensitivities
%26gt; damage or rough handling of the [cartilage] earIf you wear glasses, the temples might fit differently and cause a sensitivity.
they hurt everyone's ears, they just fit poorly.

Why is it that corn starch is a miracle on diaper rashes? What makes it so work so well?

Mixed with a rash cream or vaseline.. what makes it work so well... what IS corn starch?
Corn startch is just that startch from the corn. It works so well because it absorbs the moisture. Thay now make creams that have it already in it.
diaper rash is caused by moisture constantly on the skin. It happens with sweat too. Cornstarch pulls that wetness away and stores it in its self keeping you dry and UN chapped. If your baby has diaper rash another thing that would help is if after you change them leave the diaper off for about 20 Min's or so do that often the open air helps nappy rashes too!. good luck with that
Corn starch and flour are the same type of thing. Flour is derived from wheat and corn starch is derived...you guessed it..from corn. The reason it works so well is because it absorbs moisture like a sponge. Just like if you take oxygen from a fire it will go out...if you will remove the moisture from a rash they will go away. There is no miracle ingredient in corn starch just a simple physical reaction. I've heard of athletes using it around the groin area to avoid irritation that occurs from perspiring down there during sporting event.

Why is it some people feel the cold more than others?

My partner always feels hot while i always feel the cold , so we are at loggerheads with the heating in the house lol but why , when we all have the same bodies is there such a difference??
We have the same situation in our home. One is always hot, the other always too cold! The one that is too cold, does not eat the same way that the other does.
I think the way we fuel the body has SOMETHING to do with it and there is actually a reference to extreme coldness of hands and feet in relation to thyroid deficiencies.
It can be medical; but it also can be caused by lack of metabolism from not eating the right sort of foods or enough of. A check up could eliminate a medical situation.
When all else fails; there has to be a bit of give and take - as in any situation of people living together!
Could be a few things! If you're feeling sluggish, tired and your skin hair and nails have become dry, get a check up from the doctor incase you have a thyroid problem. Also, sounds stupid, but does your partner do things faster? Like run up the stairs while you walk? Simply doing things faster can have a huge effect on how hot you are!
We have practically the same physiology as humans but the construction is different and unique to every individual even twins. some are more susceptible to cold or heat, some have greater resistance, some people actually like the cold can you believe that? discuss with your partner before coming to blows, and try and reach some compromise.

Why is it so unhealthy to swallow your own phlegm?

I remember reading something years ago which said that the chinese are totally against it...mature answers only please
It's not particularly unhealthy. Your digestive juices will destroy most bacteria.
I didn't know it was... I've always done it, never seems to bring harm to me!
it's not recommended but sometimes i do - better in the stomach than in the lungs I say.
Don't swallow that phlegm if you want to get rid of it. Phlegm functions as a sticky film, filled with infection fighting substances like glycoproteins and immunoglobulins, which attaches itself to the lining of your bronchial tubes and lungs. Generally speaking, when phlegm starts to get coughed up, it means that the substance has served its purpose and needs to be expelled. Spit that phlegm into a tissue rather than trying to swallow it, because swallowing often times reintroduces the phlegm back into your pulmonary (lung) system.
Hope this helps, i am guilty as charged but not from now on lolJust to add i was answering the chinese belief and why they advise not to swallow phlegm, i quickly looked it up to answer the question :o)
I always thought it was better to swallow it than to spit it out and spread germs. The stomach acids will take care of any germs.
coz its slimy.
I don't understand Maria's point, because once it's in the digestive tract, how can it find its way back into the lungs ? There's only one way out of the digestive tract that I know of.I use a hanky if I can, but often it's not practical so swallowing is the only way. The people who really disgust me are those who spit in the street - now that IS wrong.
It is? that aint good.
Was told as a child to always 'cough it up!'. A doc told me recently, it makes no difference to your health whether you spit or swallow (if you pardon the expression!) All swallowing does is possibly make you a little queasy. I know another swallowing activity that does the same! (sorry. I couldn't help myself)
its not unhealthy, any germs in the phlegm are killed by the acid in your stomache, and there's no way it can get back into your lungs. the problem with spitting is that any plegm that is caused by TB can infect people around as it is an airborne disease, so please, no spiiting in public places. the best way to get rid is to swallow or cough into a tissue and dispose of it properly
I always shallow unless I'm in the bathroom where I can flush it down the toilet or swirl it down a sink. Unless you have a chest infection or there is blood in it I do not think thee is any particular reason you cannot swallow
Phlegm may be a carrier of larvae of intestinal parasites (see hookworm). Bloody sputum can be a symptom of serious disease (such as tuberculosis), but can also be a relatively benign symptom of a minor disease (such as bronchitis). In the latter case, the sputum is normally lightly streaked with blood. Coughing up any significant quantity of blood is always a serious medical condition, and any person who experiences this should seek medical attention.

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