Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why is it so hard to stay awake?

i go to bed- at least around 10 o'clock. don't find myself sleeping until 12-2 o' clock. I have no kids to look after , my grandmother has a health care worker helping her during the mornings. i don't know why when i try to wake up on time I go back to sleep and wake up ahalf an hour before class starts and it takes me an half hour to get there. barely wake enough to type.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz thanks for advice
one thing you may want to take a look at is whether you drink caffeinated drinks after 3:00 PM. I used to do that on a regular basis and didn't think the caffeine affected me. Then I completely quit drinking coffee or soda after 2 or 3:00 PM and it made a huge difference in how quickly I fell asleep and also how soundly I slept, therefore waking up feeling more refreshed, etc. If you currently don't drink any caffeine, try unwinding an hour or two before bed, by soaking in a hot bath, with the lights down low, or reading a good book in bed, or listening to soft music you enjoy. Don't watch tv, exercise or eat alot of food before bed. Eating too close to bedtime will cause your body to spend too much energy digesting food, and not being able to relax. Good luck!!
me too me too~!!! I would exercise.
find smth that motivets you
because u have nothing to do all day and ur full of energy so thats why get a hobby
Visit your doctor as something is draining you out. Try go to bed early and listen to some relaxing music to help you sleep.
because even when you are awake you areally asleep
Try some coffee, it works wonders
Depending on your age and general health you should get eight hours sleep each night---since you have not given me any History I can only Give you a Routine answer---IF you Have no Physical Ailments or Physical Pain that would Keep you from COMFORTABLY getting to sleep---IF You do not Take any Drugs or Alcohol---AND IF Your Bed is Comfortable ---and the room is Dark,Warm,Quiet, and Still---and IF you Eat Healthy Foods in Reasonable Quantities---AND IF,When you get into bed to sleep,you EMPTY your mind of all the problems of the day---Think of NOTHING and SLEEP-SLEEP-SLEEP---Then there should not be any problem---BUT IF you get NO Satisfaction from My Suggestions---You MUST See a Professional---Sleep Deprivation CAN Make you Sicker than you feel now---Learn to Relax---Signed---JEM
How is your sugar and caffeine intake when you are awake? Too much can be very detrimental to your energy level. Plus, exercise makes all the difference in the world. Could you be depressed?
Check your medications. I was like that and my doctor found out I had a low thyroid so now I take thyroid medication. I also take pain meds, and that tends to make me sleep more but not as much since I take the thyroid meds.
It sounds like your sleep cycle is off. When I get that way, I use prescription Lunesta. It is relatively harmless and puts me back on proper schedule with just one dose. Other alternatives include one or two glasses of red wine a couple of nights per week about half hour before bedtime; Benedryl one or two nights per week; some type of protein with tryptophan (small turkey sandwich one hour before bedtime); a teaspoon of cornstarch in bedtime drink that does not have alcohol or sugar in it.
Stress causes this. I am a teacher. I get stressed all the time, especially with report cards, exams and huge projects. Everything HAS to be done right then and there for me; I am a perfectionist. Therefore, I don't sleep. I am up at all hours of the night doing what needs to be done. I get up at 3:00 a.m. just to finish something before getting ready for work. My doc prescribed Zanax to ease the tension and allow me to sleep. I have gone 3 days with barely 6 hours of sleep in my system in the past! Now I get my 6-8 each night. My suggestion- go talk to your PCP. It's the best thing I did.

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